April 21, 2012

making ready delicious Light Recipes at Home - vital Tips and Ideas

If you verily wish to mouth a good health, an optimum body weight, and a wholesome life style, it is very necessary to choose the right diet for yourself. The food that you take should not only be low on fat and rich in fibre, but also light and verily digestible. This is because such foods can verily maintain you for some time and are filled with a lot of necessary nutrients. But, any low-calorie dish that you take should be delicious as your taste buds, if not satisfied, can be verily demanding at times!

When it comes to light food, you can choose your beloved from a wide range of soups, salads, smoothies, pastas, and sandwiches. These food items, especially the soups, make the digestive juices flow and stimulate the body metabolism without adding any extra fat to your body. And a good metabolism, in turn, ensures quick burning of fats.

You can get ready these light recipes verily at home. Following are a few tips and ideas that can help you plump the lightest diet for a wholesome lifestyle:


1) Tomato soups are among the best and the easiest options available to a dieter. Instead of going for instant soup mixes or ready-made soups, get ready them at home.

2) If you prefer using green vegetables, spinach soup is the best choice. A little whipped cream used for garnishing the soup would not sway you in a long run. So, do not hesitate to use it if you wish.


3) If you feel soups are not filling enough, you can go for nutritious salads. All you need to do is plump your beloved fresh fruits and vegetables, chop them, and mix them with sprouted pulses, a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper, and a little honey. A delicious salad is ready! For sprouts, you can go for bean sprouts or gram sprouts.

4) To get ready the lightest of salads you can also mix your beloved fruits and vegetables with nuts, lemon juice, a few herbs and hey presto.

5) For all kinds of salads, thick, low-fat yoghurt is a great dressing option.


6) If you are fond of desserts and find it difficult to resist them, slice some seasonal fruits in a bowl and add them to a cold custard mixture. You can also try the Indian desserts; few of them are very light and delicious.

7) If you are fond of ice creams, try their quick, wholesome alternative. Add frozen, low-fat yoghurt and honey to a compound of fresh fruit slices blended with fruit juice.

Sandwiches and Pastas

8) For sandwiches, all the time make use of whole wheat bread and lots of fresh vegetables. Avoid the use of butter and cheese.

9) For preparation healthy, light pasta, make use of shredded vegetables, herbs, olive oil and low fat yogurt.

Thus, to conclude, preparation light, nourishing recipes at home is not as difficult as it seems. All you need is a little imagination, a little creativity, a little culinary restraint, and a little effort. Following the above tips and ideas, you can go a long way in preparation light dishes without compromising too much on taste.

making ready delicious Light Recipes at Home - vital Tips and Ideas

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